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Here Goes Nothing!


As an ISFP on the Myers Briggs test, I love and hate social media. I'm an introvert. I do not like drawing attention to myself (hate posting), but love knowing what is going on with, helping, and loving others. While I know how to blog, how to post, how to tweet, etc. I rarely do unless I'm sharing about someone or something else. However, I now have a reason to blog, to help others understand and implement instructional strategies in the classroom.

As part of an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership assignment, I am starting a blog about instructional strategies. This is my first blog post (for this class at least). I look forward to sharing what I know and what I'm learning in my Fall 2021, Instructional Design and Educational Technology 6301 Instructional Design and Foundations course that I am taking with Dr. Sue Elwood. I hope you will follow me on this continued personal, academic, and professional journey.

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