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Instructional Strategies and Art


This week we are exploring my classmate's module on Instructional Strategies/Resources in the Art Room. The focus is more on a K-12 setting than higher education, so this will be a little out of my league as I am not called to K-12, but higher education. However, based on my classmate's experience, it breaks my heart that many K-12 schools do not offer different types of technologies as instructional tools to use with instructional strategies in the K-12 art classrooms. It is a shame because there is so much potential for learning using technology and instructional strategies in an art room as presented in the module linked above. As previously mentioned in my padlet blog, technology can bring joy and excitement for students to learn. Districts and campuses should leverage that excitement and joy to motivate students in all subject areas including the art room. This week's module has opened my eyes to the multiple forms of art and creativity, not just a canvas and paint. For example, aviary is an application software that allows users or students to edit images. This is an art form, too! I really had not thought of it as an art form.

Paper 53 is a really cool software that allows you to do anything you could do with pen, markers, and paper (except fold it of course!). Here is a Paper 53 gallery to look through for all the different examples of what you can do with Paper 53. It reminds me of padlet, but this link will help you learn how to Get Creative with Paper by 53.

Doodle Art is another software application that allows students to draw, doodle, sketch, or create illustrations. Green Screen allows students to transform images into stories by changing the background in images. In other words, you can make yourself look like you are in the mountains, space, or Disneyworld by changing the background. Picsart is another type of video and photo editing software. There are many other types of software applications to use in the art room to allow students to be creative.

In short, reading and learning about using technology in the arts is similar to using instructional design strategies to make learning more fun, collaborative, interactive, while including creativity.

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